
Si encuentras un blog de Wordpress con contenido homofóbico

Wordpress no permite el contenido difamatorio o abusivo, por lo que directamente si encuentras un blog en su plataforma que contenga insultos o abusos de cualquier tipo a la comunidad LGBT, puedes denunciarlo. Por supuesto, tampoco aceptan contenido que invite al odio o la violencia contra individuos o grupos, aunque no especifican claramente, como hacían en Blogger, que no se aceptan los contenidos homofóbicos.

¿Qué se puede hacer? Pues para empezar denunciarlo a Wordpress enviando citas del contenido homofóbico traducido al inglés (con el traductor de Google es suficiente) a la dirección de email support@wordpress.com. Y para seguir denunciándolo en este blog para exponerlo en público.

Os dejo aquí lo que pone en sus Términos y Condiciones, que solo está en inglés:

2. Responsibility of Contributors. If you operate a blog, comment on a blog, post material to the Website, post links on the Website, or otherwise make (or allow any third party to make) material available by means of the Website (any such material, “Content”), You are entirely responsible for the content of, and any harm resulting from, that Content. That is the case regardless of whether the Content in question constitutes text, graphics, an audio file, or computer software. By making Content available, you represent and warrant that:

- the Content is not libelous or defamatory (more info on what that means), does not contain threats or incite violence towards individuals or entities, and does not violate the privacy or publicity rights of any third party;
Resumiendo lo que dice es que el autor de un blog o comentario en un blog de Wordpress es responsable de no escribir cosas que inciten a la violencia contra individuos o entidades. Esto se puede entender como que la homofobia no es aceptable, pero dependerá de la valoración de Wordpress.

Buscando lo que escriben sobre las quejas encontramos:
Please read the following carefully if you have a complaint about a blog hosted at WordPress.com. Some general points:

Before contacting us, please consider contacting the blogger directly if you take issue with their blog. This will often work to resolve an issue immediately without involving us (or worse, lawyers). Some blogs list their contact info, or you can always just leave a comment on any blog post and it will get sent to the blog owner.
We have no control over blogs that say “Powered by WordPress.org.” Those blogs use the open source WordPress software and are not hosted by us. Please contact the appropriate web host with complaints. We only host blogs that have “wordpress.com” in their URL or that say “powered by WordPress.com.”
We take complaints seriously, but please be aware that unless a blog clearly violates our Terms of Service we won’t disable it.
Below are the official ways to contact us for various issues. Emails, voice mails, etc that are sent elsewhere will not get the desired response.

Defamation, abuse, threats
If you find defamatory, abusive or threatening content on a blog, you can report it to support@wordpress.com. However, please first take a look at this Electronic Frontier Foundation page on defamation law. Note that negative personal opinions are not considered defamation. In other words, someone calling you names or insulting you on their blog is not grounds for shutting them down. Instead of asking us to suspend such a blog, please consider either responding in the blog’s comments or on your own blog/site to set the record straight, or simply ignoring the issue (blogs who use insults and bad language tend to have low credibility and low traffic in the first place). When reporting defamatory or abusive blogs, please provide specific links and/or quotations of the offending material. If the blog is written in a language other than English, make sure you provide a translation.

Offensive material
Unless content is illegal or threatening, we will not suspend it. Please see this section on freedom of speech for more information.
Aquí lo que nos dicen es que ellos prefieren que contactes primero al autor del blog. Pero  si les contactas a ellos, al email support@wordpress.com, tienes que hacerlo con citas y su traducción al inglés del contenido que estás denunciando. Y ellos, si creen que es ilegal o abusivo y no una opinión lo quitarán. Para enviar la traducción al inglés si no sabéis hacerlo o no queréis usar mucho tiempo os recomiendo utilizar el traductor automático gratuito de Google (http://www.google.com/language_tools?hl=es).

Pero ADEMÁS de denunciarlo a Wordpress lo que puedes hacer es denunciarlo públicamente aquí enviando un comentario o un email a antihomofobiablog arroba gmail punto com. El email que envíes servirá para crear una entrada de denuncia y exponer así a los bloggers homófobos.

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